Catching Rain

Rain barrels are a useful way to conserve water and reduce the amount of runoff entering our streams, creeks, and rivers. By capturing water during rain events, you are not only reducing the burden on our sewer systems helping to prevent them from backing up and causing costly flood damage, but you’re also able to use the stored rain during dry spells, saving both money and water.

Water Quality

Rain Barrels are considered a type of green infrastructure because they collect rainwater from rooftops that would otherwise be lost in the sewer. When excess water from rain or melting snow starts to flow, it finds its way to our stormwater drains. On its way, it picks up any materials or particles that it comes in contact with and carries them down the drain and into our waterways. These materials can include debris, soil, pesticides, fertilizers, engine oil, gasoline, grease, radiator fluid, litter, etc. These pollutants negatively impact our local water quality.

Rain Barrels for Our Rivers

Join Missouri Confluence Waterkeeper and the St. Louis Aquarium for a Rain Barrels for our Rivers event that will educate and inform our community about water issues impacting Missouri's rivers and streams. Participants will assemble and paint barrels to take home to become part of the solution for stormwater runoff and better water resource management in our communities. Registration is $45 and includes one unpainted barrel and a rainwater conversion kit. NOTE: unfortunately due to COVID, this event has been postponed. But you can still purchase a barrel and kit by clicking the link below (local pickup only).

Click Here to Purchase Rain Barrel Kit

Image @ Buffalo Niagara Waterkeeper

Rain Barrel Resources

EPA’s Rainfall to Roof Stormwater Calculator and Rain Barrel Resources

OneSTL’s Rain Barrels in a Nutshell

Missouri Botanical Garden Rainwater Harvesting and Rainscaping Guide

James River Basin Partnership RIGHT AS RAIN videos and resources