Your name
First Name
Last Name
Email Address
Phone number
Where do you swim, fish, paddle, or play on or in Missouri's rivers, streams, and lakes?
Your answer to this question helps us know when to alert you of clean water issues that might impact you.
How do you enjoy Missouri's waterways?
We would love to hear how you use our local rivers and streams. Do you fish, swim, boat, or recreate in other ways on or in the water? What do you love most about Missouri's rivers and streams? Which waterways are your favorites? Are there other ways you would like to enjoy our waters?
Why is clean water important to you?
Check all that apply.
I want to know my drinking water is safe.
I want to be able to swim, boat, or float without getting sick.
I want to know that the fish I catch are safe to eat.
Clean water is just more beautiful to enjoy.
I want to help keep trash out of our waterways.
I don't feel that any person or company has the right to pollute such a valuable shared resource.
We need to protect our waterways for future generations.
What clean water initiatives would you like to see us focus on in 2019-2020?
Check all that apply.
Water quality monitoring
Bacteria testing in swimmable waters
Microplastics and plastic pollution
Clean drinking water
Water (river) trails
Blue + green infrastructure
Stormwater and urban runoff
Cleaning up our rivers and streams
Legislative + regulatory issues
More citizen science opportunities
How do you feel about the following statements?
I believe clean water should be a priority in Missouri.
Strongly Disagree
Strongly Agree
I feel that our state is doing enough to protect our waterways from pollution.
Strongly Disagree
Strongly Agree
Do you follow us on social media (@MOwaterkeeper)?
How do you feel about the following statements?
I am inspired by the content of @MOwaterkeeper's social media posts.
Strongly Disagree
Strongly Agree
I feel the content of @MOwaterkeeper's social media posts is thoughtful and relevant.
Strongly Disagree
Strongly Agree
How do you feel about the frequency of our social media posts?
I'd like to see more
Just the right amount
Too much
Are there any topics you would like to see more (or less) of on our social media, newsletter, or blog?
Do you have a question you would like to ask our Waterkeeper? We often feature these Q+As in our newsletter or blog.
Would you like more information on becoming a member?
Not at this time
Are you interested in volunteering?
Not at this time
Tell us about yourself!
Please describe your interests, expertise, or special skills you would like to share.
Are you a member of a Stream Team, or currently monitoring or testing any water body?
No, but I'm interested in joining yours!
Yes, but I'm interested in joining yours!
Yes, and I own or have access to a boat, kayak, or other water vessel that I use in my monitoring efforts.
Do you have your own boat, canoe, or kayak?
No, but I'm interested in joining you for a paddle or water monitoring adventure.
Yes, and I'm interested in joining you for a paddle or water monitoring adventure.
Yes, and I'd like more info on your RIVER WATCH monitoring program.
Anything else you would like us to know?
We would love to hear your comments, suggestions, and ideas.